“To provide local stakeholders with a safe and easy way to share their data that lets them stay in control, giving them access to a one–stop shop for a wide range of regional data which can be used to create and improve digital services centred around responsible and ethical data management. ”
What is Rudi ?
Rudi is a platform for sharing data at the local level. Prototyped with the support of the European Union as part of the « Urban Innovative Action » initiative between 2020 and 2023. By involving different types of users in its design, Rudi enables local stakeholders to share their data easily and securely while retaining control of it and to access a large amount of local data in one place to enable the creation and improvement of digital services based on responsible and ethical data management. This makes it possible to access open data, but also restricted data on demand.
Rudi addresses public actors as well as companies, researchers and inhabitants and puts them in contact with each other, offering, in addition to technical functionalities, support services and a local data community dynamic. The platform is built on a distributed and replicable open source model to facilitate its appropriation by other territories.
Version 1.0, published on the occasion of the Rudi 2023 conference, is the result of three and a half years of collaborative work with the many partners and stakeholders in the project since 2019. Although many changes and corrections are still to come, this first complete version makes it possible to reflect the ambition of the Rudi platform, to invite everyone to take ownership of it and to project themselves in its use, but also to contribute to its improvement.
15 Mars 2023 – Rennes Métropole’s Rudi portal is the winner of the Territoire Innovant 2023 label and receives the silver award in the « Intelligent and Responsible Territory » category! 👏 Find out more about the winning projects.
06 Dec. 2022 – The current energy crisis in Europe highlights the urgent need for better control of energy consumption by individuals, companies and administrations alike. Among the tools at our disposal, energy data plays a central role. How can this energy data be used? For which uses? How can the Rudi project support these new uses?… Read more
02 Dec. 2022 – Rennes Urban Data interface (Rudi) aims to develop data sharing for public interest at the local level. What roles could citizens play in that respect? How could we engage with them? In this article, UIA expert Simon Chignard looks back at how Rudi engaged and mobilised citizens and inhabitants… Read more
20 June 2022 – In this second journal, UIA Expert Simon Chignard highlights the launch of the beta version of the platform and the six projects currently developing public-interested applications and services thanks to Rudi. This journal also includes a detailed analysis of the main challenges faced … Read more
09 Nov. 2021 – Rudi aims to develop a platform for local data exchange. The project is now entering a new phase, represented by a call for projects to reuse data shared in the framework of the Rudi project… Read more
07 June 2021 – How to facilitate data sharing at the local level? What kind of organisations and rules should we put in place to ensure trust among the participants? How could we involve a broad range of stakeholders in defining these rules?… Read more
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