Welcome to the Rudi data sharing portal
Rudi is a platform for data sharing at a local level. Its aim is to provide local stakeholders with a safe and easy way to share their data that lets them stay in control, giving them access to a one-stop shop for a wide range of data and enabling them to create digital services centred around responsible and ethical data management.

Create an account
Track and modify your projects and requests for access to restricted datasets or your own personal data

Submit a project
Do you have an idea involving data reuse? This is a space for submitting projects and seeking out partners in order to develop your service

Publish a dataset
Join the Rudi data catalogue and manage access to your data by installing your own producer node

Get in touch
Join the Rudi data catalogue and manage access to your data by installing your own producer node
This version 1.0, which was published at Les Rencontres Rudi 2023, is the culmination of three years of collaborative work with the various different partners and stakeholders that have been involved in the project since 2019. While a range of changes and patches are expected, this first full version shows the ambition of the Rudi platform, inviting everyone not only to engage with it and use it, but also to help to improve it.
Get the most out of Rudi
Whether it’s a glossary, a guide to using the portal, information on project resources or other useful tips, you will find all of the documentation you need to get the most out of Rudi.
This space is still in development and will be improved over time as the platform is used.
A la une
Comptage vélos et piétons
Découvrez les données issues des compteurs installés par la Ville de Rennes sur plusieurs sites. Les comptages comprennent vélos et piétons.
Featured datasets
Rennes Métropole archive data on the weights of bags of household waste
Rennes Métropole – Department of Waste and Energy Networks
partenaires Rudi
Découvrez tous les jeux de données en lien avec le Covid 19.
jeux de données
Plus de 40% de nouvelles données sur la thématique mobilité depuis mai 2021.
projets déposés
Découvrez nos tutos pour connecter facilement votre API à la plateforme RUDI.